Hikmet Budak
Montana State University
Hikmet Budak received his Ph.D. degree with a major in plant breeding and genetics and with a minor in biometry from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, in 2002. He worked as a Coordinator, and led grass genetics and breeding program at the same university, then returned to Turkey in 2004. He received the Turkish Young Scientist Award in Turkey and Achievement Award by WORLCOMP06, USA in 2016. Dr. Budak then joined to Montana State University, USA as Montana Plant Sciences Endowed Chair, in 2016. He has published over 120 peer reviewed articles and 10 book chapters. His research interests include molecular mechanisms of a/biotic stress in wheat and barley in addition to computational genome analysis and genomics.
Research Interest
Professor Hikmet Budak's research program involves: Analysis of abiotic (drought and heat) and biotic stress (insects and pathogens) response mechanisms of important genes and manipulation of these genes employing genomics and bioinformatics tools. A better understanding of gene transmission and silencing.